Sunday, April 15, 2012

Uncovering an Ancient Truth

Just lately, as the days grow warmer, in order to get my hair out of my face without paying for a haircut, I’ve been pulling it back into a pony tail on some occasions (okay, on all the occasions when I don't feel like washing it). Although I was keenly aware that uncovering my face just might not be all that esthetically pleasing to the people I encounter on a daily basis, I did think it might look all right from the side and back. That’s before I used the photo device on my handy i-phone and discovered just what else I’d uncovered. 

Old people ears!

 I’ve always been relatively proud of my ears, ones I didn’t inherit from my jug-headed father, ones that weren’t too little like chewed up chunks of gum people attached to the underside of a dime store lunch counter, ones that were shaped nicely and just the right size.

I remember I was a teenager before I talked my mother into having my ears pierced and she made me to go a doctor for what she perceived to be major surgery.  I had noticed through the years that the holes had enlarged to some extent from wearing heavy earrings and on several occasions, I've inserted two earring into one ear and none in the other.  But I still had full confidence that my ears themselves remained diminutive and relatively unspoiled.

So I snapped the shot and then looked in horror at what the years had wrought.

At least there's no hair growing out of them (yet).


stephen Hayes said...

I remember the first time a barber asked if I wanted the hair sprouting from my ears trimmed. I felt humiliated. Why is it that as we get older we lose hair in places where we want it and grow hair where we don't?

marciamayo said...

Yeah, Stephen, that's one of the very few ways you guys have it worse than the women.

Olga said...

You are way, way too hard on yourself.

Jean said...

Well, I think you have very attractive ears. Young people's ears. Now I'm curious to go check out my own ears....I'm forever pointing out to Ken the many old men on t.v. who've grown gigantic ears. they fascinate me.

Meryl Baer said...

Uh oh. One more thing to worry about. I haven't checked out my ears lately, but will get up the nerve to do it!

Celia said...

My feet seem to have gotten bigger too.

Arkansas Patti said...

Aw gee, seems nothing is safe from aging. Hadn't even worried about my ears, till right now. Thanks.

Jean Campbell said...

Add this to my list of reasons to never have piercings. Imagine what today's tattoos will look like on 'old people.'

oklhdan said...

Ears and noses are the only things that keep growing. Thanks for reminding me of that fact:) Yours look fine I might add...

Tabouleh said...

I think we are our worst critics... I bet you anything your ears are not as bad as you think they are... go easy on yourself... age is a sign of wisdom and experience... As for hair that grows in places we do not want it to grow... oh boy... I have some hairs growing on my chin that were never there before and now I have to feel them to pluck them out as my eye sight is deceiving me... hehehe...

Terra said...

I saw your blog title and smiled, and read about your ear situation and smiled again, so I am your new follower.
I see you are a writer too, and I am giving away a copy of my new book for moms today, on my blog. Come on over and say hi if inspired.

joared said...

What is it with ears? Mine don't look any different than they ever did. Can understand how your heavy hanging earrings might take a toll after a few years. Have recently been startled to find a wild ... and I do mean wild nose hair -- just one, but one too many. Then there are a few errant sneaky mustache and chin hairs -- oh, well!

schmidleysscribblins, said...

The parts of your anatomy with cartledge expand as you grow older. This means your chin, your nose and your ears. Ever notice how old folks have chins that point up and noses that point down? Also, ears get bigger and bigger. After a while you won't mind the enalged holes. Its the breasts at midriff that look odd and keep people from looking at your face. Dianne

joared said...

Yeah, the dropped breasts are weird, but haven't noticed the other extremity changes yet.

Carol Lee said...

After reading this post, i will not be amazed if my nose and rears looks weird let's say 40 years from now.

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  A couple of weekends ago, Joe and I, along with our friend Janice, attended a Christmas concert performed by the Marietta Pops Orchestra, ...